01-17Chairs gone wild again@RetritoSmarsas
01-18Late Ninja/Gintė Preisaitė/Augustė Vickunaitė@KULTŪRA!
02.07 Fyraften@VillaKultur
​Gintė Preisaitė is based in Copenhagen where she works with piano,
electronics, composition and improvisation. With a background in classical
training, GintÄ— has moved further into the realm of electronics, noise,
improvisation, songwriting and has played in a ton of different constellations over
the last years. She works with preparations of acoustic instruments as well as
electronics and tape, bridging her classical background with more
contemporary sonic explorations. Through a variety of timbres, textures,
collaged melodies and percussive figures she is interested in transcending
the sound of acoustic instruments and contemporary compositions into a
new space by experimenting with mediums.
As a pianist GintÄ— is a part of numerous collaborations and performances. She performed on various stages in Denmark, Lithuania and abroad. Performed on stages in Vilnius jazz festival, London jazz festival, Vinterjazz/ Copenhagen jazz DK Inkonst SE, KoncertKirken DK, Brønshoj water tower DK, Kaunas Artist House LT, Mayhem DK, H15, Literaturhaus DK, Culture house of Banska Štiavnica SK, Composers house of Vilnius LT, Sowieso DE, IDEAL bar DK, Tobira Records, JP, Ftarri, JP, Studium P, Retrito Smarsas LT.