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Things have happened:



09-19 Solo electroacoustic piano performance at concert series “Absolute music” at Koncertkirken

10-08 Niels Lyhne Løkkegaard performance “Toast (202)”, a performer.

10 - 22 concert with “NEA” at Klub Primi;

11-09 Turcerova/Forchhammer/Preisaite trio at Klub Primi;

11-20 London jazz festival- “Now we are here” and “Naujo airlines”  ensemble pianist.


12-22 Improdimensija, Vilnius GintÄ— PreisaitÄ— solo piano

02-21 Turcerova/Forchhammer/Preisaite trio at Vinterjazz- Metronomen;

03-02 Free impro for free Ukraine! Fundraising hosted by Ginte Preisaite and Mark Isbgaard Gregersen;


01/11 -- LOCHLUFT @ideas_block, Vilnius 19:30


02/02 -- DOUDOUÄŒI Michaela Turcerová orchestra 

@Koncertkirken 20:00

02/04 BRANCHES - trio with Remy Gouffault and Ruhi Erdogan

@RMC 22:00

02/17 GintÄ— PreisaitÄ— solo electroacoustic performance HYPNO QLUB III x NO TECHNIQUE 20:00


02/25 BRANCHES @ Korsgade 30 VINTER JAZZ

04/06 Concert series “NICHE” Ginte Preisaite solo electroacoustic piano @KMN,Kaunas

6/8 - RMC på KLEIN: AAGOT 

9/10- International Musical Meetings #1

together with Devin Grey and Jonathan Aardestrup  

6/30 Asbjørnsen/PreisaitÄ—/Forchhammer

 @Literaturhaus 17h.

7/1 22:30h Children's Music for Adults.Lorenzo Colocci

@Literaturhaus 2nd of July 21:30h.


@ILK sessions 7th of July 21h


@Christianshavns Beboerhus 8th of July 18h.



12/09 IN SIDE SITE @Torreloft


01.30 Ginte/Viktoria/Amlie - PRiMi, H15 20:00

02.01 Treen Cph Vinterjazz @Akvariet, RMC, 20:00

02/02 Treen at Berlin, @Sowieso, 20:30

02/16 Ginte Preisaite&Ekkoflok tapes and piano project CPH Vinterjazz

@Koncertkirken 20:00

02/18 Sunday sessions together with Maggie Nicols and PRiMi band 19:30

CPH Vinterjazz @Kocertkirken

02/23 Jon Lipscomb/Jakub Švejnar/GintÄ— Preisaite CPH Vinterjazz @Stoberiet

08.28 Cologne - @Impakt festival - Treen with Amalie Dahl and Jan Philipp
09.15 @Tobira Records, Hyogo -Solo electronics by Ginte Preisaite a.k.a Baraboro

09.23 @ Ftarri, Tokyo - Ginte Preisaite and Toshimaru Nakamura duo

10.18 @Vilnius jazz festival Sachiko M-G.PreisaitÄ—-Hitomi

10.22 @Retrito Smarsas, Vilnius- radijo muzikii live concert

11.19 @PRiMi, H15 Copenhagen "A fly falls in to the speaker" workshop+concert

12.01 @Syncro Festival, Toulouse - silent movie screening with live band






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